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Suppose you had 10bucks. {clap clap}You see a very tempting chendol ice cream.Its only 1 dolla.So you buy it.Then. feeling a little cold in the throat after eating, you decided to get a sandwhich.It's lunch time, why not.After having the sandwhich you still feel a little empty inside.What is it?Is it hunger? Maybe....You get a packet of chips, thinking that potatoes will surely fill you up to the brim.Gosh, its so tastey~ The sound of the potatoes crunching merrily in yer mouth...Oh, the chips are getting salty.Soda's cool.Its really cooling and refreshing~When you're done with all that, you realise that there is this really nice novel that your friends have talked about for the past few months.Its on discount, so why not purchase it?The book was really wonderful, but now ur left with only a quater and ur scolded by ur mom for being so careless at spending money.The 10p was for 2 days to spend.now u only have 25c to last for the whole day tmw.and you had to stay back after school, too. To have CCA/remedial.Should you starve yourself, rush home to find sth to eat or borrow money from your friends???----------------------------------------------Today was so-so.had a veryyyy draggy lesson with Stella Ng.>.<
Then had curry chicken noodles for luch {~Y}
Oh ya I also flunked during band.
My mouth hurts.
The mark of my braces which sinked into my mouth are still irritating me.
Oh well.
Had to prepare for solo nia.
Darn i HATE solos. {Waw 'solos' is the same if u flip it opposite way}
It is sort of purposely showing if ur bad.
Im bad.
Thank you.
And here I shall end my post with a pic :D

3second rule applies
northview primary}unity primary}commonwealth sec}np
Noms: cake, pie, cheese, chips, mexican food, ice cream, curry, cookie, pocky
Naruto, lucky star, chi's sweet home, kuroshitsuji, I've watched many more...

Suppose you had 10bucks. {clap clap}You see a very tempting chendol ice cream.Its only 1 dolla.So you buy it.Then. feeling a little cold in the throat after eating, you decided to get a sandwhich.It's lunch time, why not.After having the sandwhich you still feel a little empty inside.What is it?Is it hunger? Maybe....You get a packet of chips, thinking that potatoes will surely fill you up to the brim.Gosh, its so tastey~ The sound of the potatoes crunching merrily in yer mouth...Oh, the chips are getting salty.Soda's cool.Its really cooling and refreshing~When you're done with all that, you realise that there is this really nice novel that your friends have talked about for the past few months.Its on discount, so why not purchase it?The book was really wonderful, but now ur left with only a quater and ur scolded by ur mom for being so careless at spending money.The 10p was for 2 days to spend.now u only have 25c to last for the whole day tmw.and you had to stay back after school, too. To have CCA/remedial.Should you starve yourself, rush home to find sth to eat or borrow money from your friends???----------------------------------------------Today was so-so.had a veryyyy draggy lesson with Stella Ng.>.<
Then had curry chicken noodles for luch {~Y}
Oh ya I also flunked during band.
My mouth hurts.
The mark of my braces which sinked into my mouth are still irritating me.
Oh well.
Had to prepare for solo nia.
Darn i HATE solos. {Waw 'solos' is the same if u flip it opposite way}
It is sort of purposely showing if ur bad.
Im bad.
Thank you.
And here I shall end my post with a pic :D

Follow the laser pointer

move along nothing here